Israeli tanks destroy gate at Lebanon U.N. peace mission

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For the fourth consecutive day, it targeted UN peacekeeping forces in Lebanon, with Israel Defense Forces (IDF) tanks destroying the main gate of its facility in Ramiyah, south Lebanon, the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) said on Sunday. Said on (October 13, 2024).

Smoke entered the camp after several rounds were fired nearby, causing 15 peacekeepers to suffer skin irritations and gastrointestinal reactions. It said Israeli troops also stopped a vital UNIFIL logistics movement on Saturday (October 12, 2024).

In a video message to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made an “appeal” that the time has come to “withdraw UNIFIL from Hezbollah strongholds and war zones.”

“Mr. Secretary-General, take UNIFIL forces out of harm’s way. This must be done right now, immediately,” Mr. Netanyahu said in the video. “Your refusal to evacuate UNIFIL troops has turned them into hostages of Hezbollah. Both their lives and those of our soldiers are in danger,” he said.

The IDF said the tank entered the compound as its troops faced a barrage of anti-tank missiles in southern Lebanon and that a smoke screen was used to provide cover for the evacuation of wounded soldiers. “Throughout the entire incident, IDF activity posed no threat to UNIFIL forces,” the IDF said. He said its troops maintained coordination with UNIFIL throughout.

“Initial review showed that an IDF tank that was also trying to evacuate wounded soldiers during the exchange of fire had penetrated several meters into the UNIFIL post,” the IDF said on Friday. The tank left the post.

UNIFIL has more than 10,000 peacekeepers from 50 countries under the Security Council. India is the third largest contributor to the force with 903 troops. According to defense officials here, there is no presence of Indian battalion in Ramyah.

UNIFIL said, on the morning of Sunday (October 13, 2024), peacekeepers at the UN position in Ramiyah observed three platoons of IDF soldiers crossing the Blue Line into Lebanon, and at approximately 4.30 a.m., when the peacekeepers entered shelters Two IDF Merkava tanks destroyed them. Forcibly entered through the main gate of the position. “He requested several times that the base turn off its lights. The tanks left approximately 45 minutes later after UNIFIL protested through our contact mechanism, saying that the IDF presence was endangering the peacekeepers,” a statement said.

Additionally, around 6.40 am, peacekeepers at the same location 100 meters north reported several rounds of firing, leaving smoke behind. According to UNIFIL, “Fifteen peacekeepers suffered effects including skin irritation and gastrointestinal reactions after the smoke entered the camp, despite wearing protective masks.” The peacekeepers are undergoing treatment.

Also, on Saturday (October 12, 2024), IDF troops blocked a vital UNIFIL logistics movement near Meis Ej Jebel, refusing to allow it to pass, the statement said, and the vital movement “cannot be completed. could”.

UNIFIL reiterated, “Violating and entrenching the UN status quo is another gross violation of international law and Security Council resolution 1701 (2006).” “Any deliberate attack on peacekeepers is a serious violation of international humanitarian law and Resolution 1701. UNIFIL’s mandate provides for freedom of movement within its area of ​​operations, and any restrictions on this are a violation of Resolution 1701.”

“We have requested an explanation from the IDF on these shocking violations,” it added.

Israel recently announced a ban on Mr Guterres from entering Israeli territory. On Sunday (October 13, 2024), 104 countries, including European and African countries as well as most of the global South, “condemned” it, which India did not support.

On Saturday (October 12, 2024), a joint statement was initially issued by 34 countries that contributed troops to UNIFIL, later supported by six more countries, including India, condemning the ongoing attacks on peacekeepers And everyone was asked to respect and ensure the mission of UNIFIL. Safety of your personnel.

‘Appeal’ to withdraw UNIFIL forces

“We are more determined than ever to secure our future; We are more determined than ever to defeat our enemies,” Mr Netanyahu said in the video message, adding that IDF troops are fighting tooth and nail to return Israeli residents to their homes safely in the north. “We are not fighting the Lebanese people, we are fighting Iran’s terrorist proxy Hezbollah, which has taken over Lebanon,” he said.

Mr. Netanyahu said the IDF has repeatedly requested that UNIFIL withdraw from Hezbollah strongholds, but has received “repeated refusals,” which “has the effect of providing a human shield to Hezbollah terrorists.”

“We regret the harm caused to UNIFIL soldiers and we are doing our best to prevent such harm. But the simplest and most obvious way to ensure this is to simply withdraw them from the danger zone,” he said.

It is pertinent to note that UNIFIL was established in accordance with Security Council resolutions 425 (1978) and 426 (1978) of 19 March 1978: to confirm the withdrawal of Israeli forces from southern Lebanon; Restoring international peace and security; and assist the Government of Lebanon in ensuring the return of its effective authority to the area.

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